Tan Hong Liang, 11 | Senior Category | ICS 24/25

Tan Hong Liang, 11, showcases his App Inventor project, 'Zoo_Pedia’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!

"My project was created to help visitors navigate around the zoo, educate them about the animals in different zones of the zoo, and provide them with information about certain animals in the zoo. It has a detailed map, information about the animal zones in the zoo, information about some of the animals in the zoo, and a fun game to play!" - Tan Hong Liang

With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Tan Hong Liang’s project and video presentation earned him the Silver Award in the Senior Category! 🏆


Poh Aqil Abidin, 11 | Senior Category | ICS 24/25


Nakamura Shinji, 11 | Senior Category | ICS 24/25