We won the Grand Prize and Best Programming Award at the 2023 Minecraft Cup!
We're stoked to announce an epic win at the Minecraft Cup finals in Tokyo! Team Coding Lab Urban Coders (Ages 13 to 18) comprising students from Singapore and Japan beat more than 500 teams (and 10,000 participants) to snag the Best Programming Award in the final competition this February!
The Minecraft Cup is held annually and the theme of 2023 was sustainability and creating an environment that integrates "nature" and "convenience" in the long run. Comprising of both local and Japan students, our young and talented students crossed borders and worked together to come up with innovative ideas.
Here are our presenters, Kei and Erica (from Coding Lab Japan) and Jacob (from Coding Lab Singapore) representing the entire team!
Team Urban Coders created a city called Eco Village, which uses the latest technologies and clean energy, such as Gravity Batteries and solar farms, and green buildings and architecture, to create a sustainable, peaceful city.
Some of the team members had the chance to go to Japan to represent the team and present their project at the Microsoft Japan HQ in Shinagawa, Tokyo. They did a fantastic job presenting and answering questions from the judges! Jacob even learned his part of the presentation in Japanese (which is not a language he speaks)!
Here is a snapshot of Jacob at the Microsoft Japan HQ in Shinagawa, Tokyo!
Here are all the team members that have contributed to the winning project!
Congratulations to all the members of the Coding Lab Urban Coders team. You all worked hard coding, building, and planning your world together.
It has been tremendously encouraging to watch our students come together (globally too!) with a pioneering idea to help in solving today's real-world issues. All teams have worked hard and done their best, and we would like to congratulate them all for coming this far. 💚
Want to create your own complex structures and design your dream world on Minecraft? Explore the different possibilities that you can create with our Holiday Special Minecraft: Code Your World (ages 10-12) class!
*Note: You would need to complete our App Inventor 1+2 and Python Junior 1+2 before joining our Minecraft classes.
(Written by Thinzar)