Sharing our intimate insights on Education, Computational Thinking and Technology
Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the realms of education, coding, and technology. We aim to empower parents and students by providing valuable insights, tutorials, and resources. From unraveling the mysteries of coding to exploring its endless possibilities, we believe that coding is not just a skill but a mindset that nurtures problem-solving, creativity, and resilience. Join us on this exciting journey as we shape the next generation of digital pioneers, preparing them to thrive in the ever-evolving digital age.

#CodingLabParenting: Cultivate Resilience with the Power of Inquiry-Based Learning
Globally, IBL is growing in popularity and in fact, it is central to Coding Lab’s teaching methodology - it works even better with the help of technology. Let’s dive into what IBL is, its benefits and how it’s important in enriching our Coding Lab students' lives!

#CodingLabParenting: Get Fit in 5 Minutes A Day! - Break Ideas for Fun and Wellness
We know that taking care of the little ones while working from home can be reaaaal hectic - we've been there too. Hang in there, mums and dads! 💪 We've got your back with these quick and fun wellness activities that you can rope your kids in to do together.

#CodingLabParenting: 5 Memory Tips to Ace Exams
The task of understanding and memorising important facts and information for exams can be daunting at times. Every mark counts and you definitely want to answer all the questions and get the highest score you can get! 💯

Fun Techtivities in March!
March is one of our most anticipated months of the year, because – you’ve guessed it – March holidays are coming! And just because we can’t go overseas doesn’t mean that there isn’t anything exciting going on. From creating your own Star Wars character to exploring digital exhibitions from the comfort of your home, there certainly is March to do.

#CodingLabParenting: Food For Thought – Best Brain Food for Programmers

5 Tips to Better Eye Health

#CodingLabParenting: 3 Hacks to Maximise Your Child's Busy Schedule - Be Your Child's Cheerleader!

#CodingLabParenting: Tech Podcasts & TED Talks to get you psyched about tech (We’ve shortlisted the essential 5!)

#CodingLabParenting Series: Towards Better Learning

Resilience and Reflection: A chat with our founders, Yong Ning Foo and Candice Wang

5 Tech Geniuses - How They Got Started

Top 10 shows/cartoons to teach children about STEM

Career Tips & Starting Salaries: How do Programmers Compare?

Back to School Tips: What Parents should know Post-Circuit Breaker
With effect from 2 June, Primary and Secondary students who are in graduating cohorts will attend school daily while other cohorts will rotate weekly between Home-Based Learning and returning to school for lessons. Here are some specially curated tips that we hope will aid you in making your child’s digital journey the best that it can be.

Schools in Singapore offering IB Computer Science, O-Level and A-Level Computing
There’s no doubt that computing/programming is becoming more and more of a fundamental skill needed to thrive in this digital age. This is why there has been an increase in the number of schools offering Computing as an O-Level and A-Level subject.

Happy Easter 2020!
Coding Lab wishes all our parents and students Happy Easter! We had a whale of a time last Thursday, where 12 students attended our Easter parent-child online coding workshop. Each parent-child pair drew and decorated their own set of digital Easter eggs, and programmed their bunny to respond to keyboard commands.

Fun Techtivity in January!
Come join in the fun and enter the world of science and technology this month with your children! The Coding Lab team has selected their favourite programme and exhibition in the month of January for families. Curiosity and wonder never stops!

Tiny Thinkers at the kidsREAD 15th Anniversary Carnival
On 9th November, Tiny Thinkers was invited to celebrate the 15th anniversary of NLB’s kidsREAD programme. Tiny Thinkers had a booth for children to kickstart their Computational Thinking journey with our Junior Computational Thinking kit. The kit, developed by Tiny Thinkers and supported by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), allows children to plan a character’s story and also included hands-on activities for parents to complete with their children at home.

Coding Lab and Tiny Thinkers at Smart Nation & U
Coding Lab and Tiny Thinkers were at the inaugural Smart Nation & U event on 30th November and 1st December to spread the coding word to families through fun. If you weren’t there, here’s the rundown on the things that happened!

More Preschools and Parents Embrace Computational Thinking at ECC 2019
Remember Tiny Thinkers and their creative, fun ways to integrate computational thinking into your child’s everyday lives? Well good news, they’re back stronger than ever with new and improved activities rolled out – Now extending their outreach not just to parents, but also formal early childhood institutions island-wide, with over 3,500 kits!