National Olympiad in Informatics (NOI) 2022
3 Silver Medallists, 5 Bronze Medallists
Congratulations to our 8 Award Winners at the NOI 2022, one of the most prestigious programming competitions in Singapore!
The NOI is one of the biggest annual programming competitions held in Singapore for all students from secondary schools and junior colleges to participate in. During this year’s competition, participants are given 3 hours to work on 3 tasks using Python and C++. Of the many participants, only the top 5 students from each school, at each level, will be considered for medals. We are so proud of our students who won 8 medals in the Online Qualification Contest. Congratulations to three-time Silver Medallist Vayun, Silver Medallists Lucia and Damian, four-time Bronze Medallist David, two-time Bronze Medallists Elijah and Caleb, and Bronze Medallists Kai and Yanjia!