Partnering OCBC Bank: Imparting Coding and Data Analytics through Corporate Workshops

For two years in a row, we’re honoured and excited to have the opportunity to impart Python programming and Data Analytics to OCBC Bank’s 100 aspiring young talents. 

Group Photo of OCBC's participants in our 2022 Data Analytics Training Workshop

Our cheery participants from OCBC Bank who attended our Data Analytics Training Workshop in 2022

During the three-day workshops, participants gathered together and had the opportunity to experience our MIT-inspired, award-winning curriculum firsthand from our passionate educators teaching the Coding Lab Way. Specially tailored for corporate business needs, the programme saw close to 50 participants in each workshop utilising their newfound Data Analytics skills to build a multitude of programs, ranging from an analysis on the prices of Commodities, Number of Lots in Car Parks, to Overtime pay across different industries!

Having come from a variety of departments and backgrounds, some participants had experience in coding and some did not. Nevertheless, they breathed life into their ideas with code, coming up with real-world solutions and codes to apply what they’ve learnt in their workshops. Some notable projects include a Housing Pricing trend analysis, Stroke Predictor, Dengue Hotspot app, and even an amazing program that analysed box office blockbuster sales around data set constraints such as piracy prominence and censorship! 

"It was a joy to work with OCBC Bank to teach their young talents to code. The participants were enthusiastic, constantly asking questions, and shared many cool and novel project ideas. At the end of the workshop, I know that many of them enjoyed themselves and we hope that this refreshing experience helped to spark their interest in coding. It is always exciting for us to be able to share, learn and spread the love for coding!"

- Educator Edmund, Team Lead for Teaching Excellence

Teacher Edmund coaching the young and enthusiastic professionals from OCBC

Participants had lots of fun learning at the OCBC Campus in the 3-day workshop in 2021

Coding Lab is honoured to be trusted by OCBC Bank. We know that the skills that they learnt will certainly come in handy in their careers and lives as we move towards the Artificial Intelligence Era. Here’s to nurturing future leaders in technology and wonderful world-changing projects - one coder at a time! 

Read more about Coding Lab's Corporate Partnerships here.

We’re proud to have also partnered with IMDA and play a supporting role in Singapore’s efforts towards becoming a Smart Nation! Read more here. 

Here at Coding Lab, we nurture future leaders in technology. Our teens (Ages 13-18) build a solid foundation in Python, and then move on to Electives such as Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Game Development, where they move on to craft real-world solutions, preparing them for the future.

(Written by Cheryl Tang)


Fun Techtivities in May!


#CodingLabStudents: Isaac Khong, 11, and Alicia Khong, 9, Radin Mas Primary School