Our Classes > Ages 10-12 > P206 - Python Junior 2

P206 - Python Junior 2

Building upon the foundation established by "Python Junior 1 - Python Meets Mathematics," this sequel course upholds our commitment to facilitating student mastery of Python with PSLE Mathematics as learning context.

Rigorous Program that drives Results

Experience our award-winning curriculum that has turned learners into winners of National and Global Code competitions.

Apply Mathematics

When Python Meets Mathematics, the learning is doubled. Write a Python program to solve a Mathematics problem sum. Develop a different perspective of

Logical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills

Learn to break down problems into smaller components to solve them

Let Your Child Take His Python Coding Skills To The Next Level

  • Our rigorous programme ensures that our students always place ahead of the curve. Many has won national and international awards and competitions. Numerous have also utilised our programme to help them gain entry into their desired secondary school through DSA. Check out our 10-12 years old students achievements.

  • In this program specifically designed based on the PSLE Mathematics curriculum, Mathematics will be used as the context through which students pick up Python programming skills. For example, students learn to write a Python program to solve a “Guess and Check” problem sum.

  • Increasingly, students are exposed to basic programming at school. Whether they’ve done 6 months of basic Scratch, Sphero or Robotics, our rigorous programme goes significantly beyond, focusing on the cognitive development of our students in the area of computational thinking, regardless of platform.

    Using CT is similar to how we utilize Mathematics and language skills to solve problems daily, make decisions and communicate with others. Just like how you do not have to be a mathematician to apply mathematics, you do not have to be a professional computer programmer to apply and appreciate Computational Thinking.

    We have designed a curriculum that introduces computational thinking at an age-appropriate level.

  • While the learning is serious, our curriculum is designed to let students learn using fun, meaningful and relatable context. Students will learn how to apply Mathematical Operators to calculate the area of a square or even develop a BMI Calculator (Who knew that +, -, x, ÷ could be so fun!).

    They will also make use of conditionals to create a Movie-Age checker. And what about ending off with developing their own personalised “Baymax”, complete with a health tracker and personalised health tips? The sky is the limit as Kids get their hands on these exercises, and much more in our Python Meets Math classes! Want to find out more? Meet our students or check out our FAQs.

  • Our students have been awarded accolades locally and globally. Read our raving reviews, meet our students or check out our students’ achievements!

Dice guessing game utilising concepts such as Random, While Loop and Conditionals by Collin, 10 years Old

See the real-world applicability of Python with this Health Game coded by our student! Leonard Yong, continued on to the P21S - Advanced Computer Scientists and created this Health Game which can be used to help the user track various health parameters (Click image to enlarge)

Locations & Schedules

  • 9 King Albert Park (KAP Mall) #02-21, 598332

  • 80 Marine Parade Road #10-06, 449269

  • Live Online E-Learning from the comfort of home

  • @The Learning Lab | 101 Thomson Rd #03-03, 307591

  • @The Learning Lab | 33 Sengkang West Ave #02-18 to 21, 797653

  • @The Learning Lab | 11 Bidadari Park Drive #02-17/18, Singapore

In a learning structure best for your child

Our curriculum are developed with our students learning in mind. Each course has pre-requisites - not because we want to keep it exclusive but because we want to maximise our students learning.

We also have parents in mind when we designed our course logistics - we take care of all the materials and equipment needed so that busy parents can take a breather

Recognising that each student has different learning preference, we have designed our courses to be taught in different modalities and formats - from weekly classes to full day holiday camps. Choose the mode and format which best suits your child’s busy scheduling and learning preference.

Course Fees

Standard (5 x 2 hrs)
$470 ($512.30 w/GST)

Accelerated Python Junior 1+2 (5 x 3.5 hrs)
$795 ($866.55 w/GST)

Accelerated Python Junior 1+2 (3 Full-Day Camp)
$865 ($942.85 w/GST)


    • Ages 10 to 12 and

    • Completed P205 - Python Junior 1, or

    • Passed the placement test with Coding Lab

  • Your child just needs to show up and we will take care of everything else.

  • We keep our classes small so that every student benefits from maximum personalised attention.

  • Logical operators and Truth tables
    Learning and Applying logical operators (And, Or, Not)
    Develop a Movie-Age Checker

    While Loops
    Using while loops
    Applying while loops to Mathematics (Eg. Prime numbers, Lowest Common Multiple)
    Problem-sum solving with Guess and Check

    Using Modules and Libraries
    Random numbersHackathon and Challenges
    Timed Challenges for students to stretch their abilities

Mode (Options)

  • Conducted on a weekly basis, once a week, on a fixed day and timing.

  • Conducted during the school holidays of both Singapore and International schools, holiday camps provides students with meaningful use of their time during the holidays.

Format (Options)

    • 5 lessons, 2 hours per lesson (10 hours total)

    • Available in both weekly or holiday camp mode

    • P205 & P206: Python Junior 1 & 2 (Accelerated)

    • 5 sessions of 3.5 hours

    • 17.5 hours total

    • P205 & P206: Python Junior 1 & 2 (Accelerated)

    • 3-day, full day camp | 7 hrs per day | 21 hours total

    • Lunch and snacks

See What Your Child Can Achieve with Our Expert Guidance

Check out our Coding Bytes series, where we showcase what your child can create—exciting projects like games and interactive stories.

In these videos, you'll also see our expert teachers in action, demonstrating key coding concepts with clear and engaging lessons. Plus, we provide free resources to help your child continue learning and growing outside of class. At Coding Lab, we’re dedicated to your child’s development and success in coding!

Loved by both Parents and Students

“The teacher Hovan has taught his class. He is very clear, helpful and dedicated to his teachings. Thank you very much.”

Beng Tiat, Parent of Jing Ge, 10

“Teacher Yueh Leng conducted the lessons very well and patiently. Her lessons were engaging and fun although it was held online. This help my son to stay focus throughout the lessons. My son enjoyed the lessons so much that he requested to be signed up for the next level.”

Theresa, Mother of Irwin, 10

“Awesome course with an amazing teacher. my kid was very focused and engaged.”

Shilpa, Parent of Tanush, 10

“My son enjoyed the coding lessons, and felt that they were of value. He’s looking forward to the next module App Inventor, to continue on his coding journey.”

Tsien, Parent of Thomas, 12

“The syllabus was made really interesting abs Junyi enjoys the lessons very much”

Mother of Carine, 11

Our students have been awarded accolades locally and globally.
Read more raving reviews, meet our students or check out our students’ achievements!

Meet Our Delighted Students!

Our rigorous programme ensures that our students always place ahead of the curve.
Check out some of our students’ achievements, hear from our students, or read what our parents say about us!