A Peek Into Our Course: Python Perfect (S100P) - Individualised Learning and how it benefits our teens
How do our Python Heroes perfect their craft? In our Python Perfect classes, we utilise an individualised learning method to ensure that students are able to fully internalise and apply the concepts that they have learnt.
Coding Lab’s S100P is a series of Python Perfect classes taken by students who have completed the respective core foundational classes (Python 1: S102 and Python 2: S112). These classes ultimately promote independent studying and reinforce core programming concepts.
You might be wondering: what exactly is individualised learning?
Image of S100P class
The key ingredient of it is the shift of responsibility for the learning process from the tutor to the student [1]. The entire process involves students acquiring an understanding of their learning, being motivated to learn, and collaborating with tutors to structure their learning environment. Our students’ progress therefore depends on how motivated they are in learning and how much they want to achieve.
This method of learning does not mean that students are to work alone - tutors have a huge part to play as mentors in enabling and supporting individualised learning. They ensure that students are on the right track, motivate them and continually ignite their passion for coding through the wonders of S100P.
How do our teens benefit from Individualised Learning?
Our Python Heroes in our S100P series of classes hone their Python power with lab work. This lab work mimics practical modules in universities (which make up a high percentage of the overall grade!) - so if you’re looking to take on computing or Python in university, it’s important to get started early and lay those firm foundations! Our tutors also provide term reports for students to refer to so that they can better understand the areas they need to improve on and work towards nailing those concepts down.
Every Python Perfect class has 10 levels of coding challenges - and each student will be mentally stimulated by the challenges at their individual levels. Our coding challenges hail from a wide variety of domains ranging from Banking and Finance to Engineering, Mathematics and even Medicine, enabling students to appreciate the applicability of Python in the real world!
Students can advance as quickly as possible on their own with the effort that they put in, and also have 24/7 access to our online system to submit their answers to practice questions. Afterwards, our keen tutors will grade their questions and guide them in achieving code efficiency during class.
Students can submit their answers any time on our online system!
Image of Python Perfect class
Always an enjoyable time in our S100P class!
"Another part of Python that I really enjoyed was Python Perfect which was basically coding challenges. I would work on different challenges each week, to devise a solution to the problems. I really enjoyed it and that kept my interest sustained."
- Josephine, 14, Raffles Girls' School
Our Python Perfect courses typically span across 40 hours (2 Terms of Weekly classes: 20 x 2 hours). Most students are mainly able to complete 6 levels in 40 hours, but there are also very dedicated students who fast tracked 10 levels in 6 hours - like Wang Chen! Here’s what he has to say about our classes:
“The classes are engaging and I was able to learn things like Stack Overflow, which further added on to my coding knowledge!”
- Wang Chen, 14, Dunman High
(successfully completed 10 levels of coding challenges in 6 hours!)
As students level up, the challenges gradually get more difficult. Our experienced Python Perfect tutors will help students to reach their fullest potential through giving out hints, providing them with help and guiding them through what they’re struggling with. A signature trademark of the program is that students are not given answers, they are encouraged to find the answers to the challenges on their own, enabling full understanding and application of concepts, self-confidence and independent learning.
Image of Ryan and class
Ryan (top left) with his Python students in an online class.
“In Python Perfect classes, students have to apply what they have learnt from the Python courses into the coding challenges. The more they practice, the better they get at coding! I’d often challenge my students to pen out their strategy before coding. I’d get them to go back to the basics and ensure the students revisit the fundamentals and thoroughly understand them.”
- Ryan Wong, Educator
Coding Lab believes that individualised learning will help in cultivating a spirit of lifelong learning in students - not only do our Python Perfect classes help students self-study the core programming concepts - it also reminds them that they are responsible for their own learning. When students own their learning, it sticks with them!
Begin your Python journey by clicking here!
(Written by Zulaikha)
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