ICS 2020 Results
Congratulations to all participants in the International Coding Showcase (ICS) 2020!
Remember that no matter what, everyone’s a winner – Everyone has put in their very best and we truly appreciate the blood, sweat and tears in every project that we received. We hope that you keep on coding and creating awesome projects for the whole world to see. 🌏. 🏆 We’d like to give a HUGE round of applause and thank you to those who participated! 💚
Congratulations to our winners!
Ages 7 to 9
1st: Enea Testa, 9, Japan
2nd: Itta Oba, 9, Japan
People’s Choice Award: Alicia Khong, 8, Singapore
Overall People’s Choice Award
Dhanvin Mohan Ram, 11, Singapore
Ages 10 to 12 (Scratch)
1st: Nicolo Testa, 10, Japan
2nd: Wang Jun Min, 11, Singapore
People’s Choice Award: Andrew Goh, 11, Singapore
Ages 10 to 12 (Python)
1st: Kyran Tan, 10, Singapore
2nd: Keian Teh, 11, Singapore
People’s Choice Award: Dhanvin Mohan Ram, 11, Singapore
Judges’ Choices
Best Design: Andrew Goh, 11, Singapore
Best Presentation: Keian Teh, 11, Singapore
Most Creative: Masashi, 13, Japan
Most Innovative: Darius Yong, 11, Singapore
Most Promising Coder: Eng Tze Yern, 11, Singapore
Social Impact Award: Isaac Khong, 10, Singapore
Ages 13 to 18
1st: Kieran Ho, 12, Singapore
2nd & People’s Choice Award: Kenneth Gunawan, 14, Singapore
Merit Awards
Aarhan Saluja, 11, Singapore
Ahmed Mohamad Fadzel, 8, Singapore
Daryl Ang, 11, Singapore
Enzo Tan, 12, Singapore
Ethan Goh, 12, Singapore
Michael Ong, 8, Singapore
Victoria Hammonds, 10, Singapore
Wang Jun Wern, 7, Singapore
Watch their submissions here!
Thank You!
The committee would like to congratulate each and every child who took part, and recognise their effort in putting their projects and presentations together. We hope they will continue to code and keep up their passion to help the community with their skills.
The International Coding Showcase 2020 would not have been possible without the contributions of the following people:
Cheryl | Jessica | Lynn | Mona | Nicole | Samantha | Sin Zhen | Zenia