Japan Looking to Singapore for Inspiration in Coding Courses for Kids
Nikkei Ecomum Magazine Cover
Nikkei Ecomom Write Up on Coding
Extremely excited to be featured in Japan's top News Media - Check us out in the latest issue of Nikkei Ecomom! (Only available in Japan)Singapore is truly at the forefront of innovation and Technological education. Proud to be involved in shaping our Nation's young minds.Excerpts from the article:"Roughly the size of Tokyo, without natural resources, Singapore has made good effort in developing her people, with roughly 17% of its budget on education (compared to Japan's 7%).
Under Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, also a Mathematician, the nation revealed its "Smart Nation" strategy. On the side of education, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) education has been pushed forward. Experts in STEM teamed up with teachers in schools, providing advice from their professional perspective.
Starting from 2017, high school entrance examinations will be including programming as one of the subjects. As a result, more and more students are learning coding (programming) outside of schools as well. It is said that coding is useful to train students' logical thinking.