Julius Ang, Curriculum Advisor

Profile picture of Julius Ang, Curriculum Advisor, Coding Lab

B.Comp. Computer Engineering (Hons), NUS
Microsoft (Japan)
LinkedIn (Silicon Valley)

With his extensive experience in agile software, web and game development platforms, Julius has been developing and shipping software for Microsoft Office, Kinect and Hololens for the last 10 years.

As a native speaker of English and Mandarin and being professionally fluent in Japanese, he has worked with teams across different parts of the world, including Singapore, Redmond, Seattle and Tokyo.

Currently based in Japan as a Senior Software Engineer with Microsoft, his recent activities include the development of Docs.com and Office Lens, as well as Microsoft's next generation presentation platform, Sway.com.

Julius’ passion lies in bringing the frontier of innovation to young children, with the aim of demystifying today's technology to enable them to become inventors of tomorrow's reality.


Li Jia, Curriculum Advisor


Candice Wang, Co-Founder and Community Director