Lau Rei Yan Abigail, 12, Singapore | Advanced Computer Scientists Project Showcase | ICS 2022

Lau Rei Yan Abigail, 12, presents her Python coding project ‘Scissors Paper Stone’ for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 2022.

"My project was based on a game that I like to play with my friends --- ‘Scissors, Paper, Stone’. I was inspired to create this game as I wanted to put a fresh twist to this traditional game played by children from many generations. Many of such games are lost in the midst of online games. I hope by designing this game, more young people would be introduced to this game and would pick it up again and enjoy this as much as I have! " - Lau Rei Yan Abigail

Lau Rei Yan Abigail’s project and video presentation earned her a Distinction in the Advanced Computer Scientists category.


Lauren Pak, 12, Singapore | Advanced Computer Scientists Project Showcase | ICS 2022


Aang Winston Angkasa, 11, Singapore | Advanced Computer Scientists Project Showcase | ICS 2022