Soham Bhole, 13, showcases his Python project, 'Singapore Zoo Webapp’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"This app is useful for both normal people, and singapore zoo staff who work closely with animals. The app incorporates various features including animal management, games, etc.” - Soham Bhole
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Soham’s project and video presentation earned him the Gold, Most Innovative, and Social Impact Award in the Master Category! 🏆
Dukuan Ko, 13, showcases his Python project, 'Capture and Explore!’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"Users can explore and learn about animals by simply uploading or capturing a picture of any animal.” - Dukuan Ko
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Dukuan’s project and video presentation earned him the Gold and Budding Coder Award in the Master Category! 🏆
Anish Srivastava, 13, showcases his Python project, 'AnimalIntel’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"My project is about tackling the problem about limited information and confusion about certain animals at a zoo. It can also provide rewards to motivate the user to go to the zoo more often and discover more animals. It is also there so that zoogoers can interact and inform eah other about the wherebouts and occurences at the zoo so that nobody has to waste time going to places where the animals are hiding or under maintainence, allowing people to enjoy and maximise their time at the zoo.” - Anish Srivastava
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Anish's project and video presentation earned him the Platinum and Best Presentation Award in the Master Category! 🏆
Loh Yu Shern, 13, showcases her Python project, 'Singapore Zoo AI’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"As people may have difficulties finding information about Singapore zoo or planning their activities, I made a functional chatbot to answer people’s queries about Singapore Zoo. It is created with the help of Python, OpenAI APIs and Streamlit. I hope that this project will help increase the number of people visiting Singapore Zoo and plan a trip for it. ” - Loh Yu Shern
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Yu Shern's project and video presentation earned him the Gold and Budding Coder Award in the Master Category! 🏆
Abdurrahman bin Subkhan Prawira, 14, showcases his Python project, 'Fun games about animals’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"It is a website that contains three games, all of which are playable and different from one another. It uses only endangered animals to raise awareness about them and to make others learn more.” - Abdurrahman bin Subkhan Prawira
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Abdurrahman’s project and video presentation earned him the Gold and Budding Coder Award in the Master Category! 🏆
Yang Seungheon (Harry), 16, showcases his Python project, 'Quiz/Info about Animals in Singapore Zoo’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Harry’s project and video presentation earned him the Gold and Most Promising Coder Award in the Master Category! 🏆
Tessa Lee Jin En, 14, showcases her Python project, 'Wildlife Explorer’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"My project is an interactive map of Singapore zoo with many different animal zones. Each animal represents a level. The user will have to complete 9 levels and each level will have a quiz and a game. The quiz is related to the animal while game is a maze which progressively gets harder. ” - Tessa Lee Jin En
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Tessa's project and video presentation earned her the Gold, Best Design, and Social Impact Award in the Master Category! 🏆
Priyank Lala, 13, showcases his Python project, 'Save Wildlife’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"The aim of my project is to educate the public about importance of conservation of wildlife by sharing information about wildlife in Singapore zoo and also have an interactive quiz to make the website interesting. In addition, there is also a link for financial donation.The website is prepared in HTML” - Priyank Lala
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Priyank's project and video presentation earned him the Gold Award in the Master Category! 🏆
Lee Pei Xin, 15, showcases her Python project, 'Dodge the Falling Blocks’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"Help the animal escape danger! Use the left and right keys to dodge falling cages and stay safe. How long can you survive? Test your reflexes and see if you can beat the challenge! ” - Lee Pei Xin
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, her project and video presentation earned her the Silver and Most Creative Award in the Master Category! 🏆
Sanya Gudi, 12, showcases her App Inventor project, 'Virtual Singapore Zoo Tour' , for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"My game is a virtual zoo tour with 3 zones: Reptile Kingdom, Australasia and Elephants of Asia. Each zone has a page of information and a game. There is also a screen for my favourite animals. Reptile Kingdom has a quiz game that includes time and score variables. Australasia is a clicker game where you make the kangaroo jump as many times as you can before the timer runs out. The last game is a reverse ivory game. You drag an elephant with a net across the screen trying to catch the hunter.” - Sanya Gudi
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Sanya’s project and video presentation earned her the Silver Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Lee Yi Xi Lincoln, 11, showcases his Python project, 'The Endangered Encounters: Information and quiz’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"🐾This platform is about educating children my age or younger on endangered animals!" - Lee Yi Xi Lincoln
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Lincoln’s project and video presentation earned him the Silver and Most Promising Coder Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Dionysia Kyvetou, 10, showcases her Python project, 'The sounds of endangered animals in Singapore Zoo' , for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"This educational script raises awareness about endangered animals at the Singapore Zoo. Using Python, users can select an animal from a list, and the script will display its description while playing its unique sound. There are nine animals to choose from. The script utilizes the yt_dlp library to download animal sounds from YouTube videos and pygame to play them. The entire process runs within a while loop, ensuring seamless interaction.” - Dionysia Kyvetou (Denise)
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Denise’s project and video presentation earned her the Gold Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Marshall Teo Au Xuan, 11, showcases his Python project, 'The Singapore Zoo Time Manager’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"My project helps zoo keepers keep track of the time of when to feed the animals,just in case they forget." - Marshall Teo Au Xuan
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Marshall’s project and video presentation earned him the Silver Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Bryon Soh, 10, showcases his Scratch project, 'Animal Frenzy’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"Animal Frenzy is a game about an intruder who broke into the Singapore Zoo one night and deliberately set the lions, pythons and monkeys free from their enclosures. The player who is the zookeeper uses a net to go around chasing the escaped animals and put them back into their respective enclosures safely by luring them with their favourite foods. This game emphasises the consequences of disrupting animal habitats even in controlled environments like the zoo." - Bryon Soh
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Bryon’s project and video presentation earned him the Gold and Best Design Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Joseph Yeo Chin Woo, 10, showcases his Python project, 'Save the Animals!’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"Climate change has caused the Earth’s temperature to rise and making it warmer than it has ever been. This has contributed to an increase in large wildfires in forests. Forest fires can destroy the habitats of many wildlife species and threatened them to extinction. My project is a game that requires the player to act as a wildlife ranger, helping to put out the wildfires and bringing the animals to safety. Once the player has successfully put out all the fires, he has won the game." - Joseph Yeo Chin Woo
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Joseph’s project and video presentation earned him the Platinum Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Ho Su Cheng, 10, showcases his Scratch project, 'Singapore Zoo Tycoon’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"My project is about upgrading the Zoo by going to the red pads to upgrade the Zoo, and eventually opening the Zoo to the public." - Ho Su Cheng
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Cheng’s project and video presentation earned him the Silver Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Jiayang Zhou, 10, showcases his Scratch project, 'Animal Clicker’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Zhou’s project and video presentation earned him the Silver and Budding Coder Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Tan Le Jia Claire, 10, showcases her Scratch project, 'My Endangered Pet' , for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"My project is a game which simulates how zookeepers take care of endangered animals. The aim of this game is to educate the community about endangered animals and have fun while learning. The game allows you to select one of four animals to care for. The goal is to keep the animal happy and healthy as possible by feeding the animal food and brushing it. You can acquire the food and brush with coins you get from answering quiz questions. Have fun playing!” - Tan Le Jia Claire
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Claire’s project and video presentation earned her the Gold and Best Presentation Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Poh Aqil Abidin, 11, showcases his App Inventor project, 'App Meng’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"App Meng is a fun educational game app inspired by the enrichment activities that Singapore zoo have done for the development of the orangutans. I was amazed by the amount of effort that Singapore zoo have put to it. The information I have learnt has definitely got me hooked into finding out more about the orangutans and what I can do to help them. Just like how Ah Meng helped paved the way for the Orangutan conservation efforts, I do hope my app will be able to do the same for the orangutans." - Poh Aqil Abidin
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Aqil’s project and video presentation earned him the Gold, Most Creative, and Social Impact Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Tan Hong Liang, 11, showcases his App Inventor project, 'Zoo_Pedia’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"My project was created to help visitors navigate around the zoo, educate them about the animals in different zones of the zoo, and provide them with information about certain animals in the zoo. It has a detailed map, information about the animal zones in the zoo, information about some of the animals in the zoo, and a fun game to play!" - Tan Hong Liang
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Tan Hong Liang’s project and video presentation earned him the Silver Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Nakamura Shinji, 11, showcases his App Inventor project, 'Catch the Poachers!’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"Many animals are going extinct because of illegal poaching. As a player, you are tasked with an important mission to protect the animals by catching the poachers. When playing my game, you will be introduced to the animals which are under the care of Singapore Zoo and learn interesting facts about them. This game covers the topics - Animals Under Care, Education and Singapore Zoo. Through “Catch the Poachers”, I hope you will learn more about many different animals and try to protect them." - Nakamura Shinji
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Shinji’s project and video presentation earned him the Gold and Most Innovative Award in the Senior Category! 🏆
Nicholas Chow, 9, showcases his Scratch project, ‘Saving Endangered Animals’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"My game is about saving the polar bears. You have to go through ten levels, dodging red spikes and collecting crystals. On the final level, there’s a cage with a polar bear inside. If you’ve collected enough points, you can unlock the cage and save the polar bear!" - Nicholas Chow
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Nicholas’ project and video presentation earned him the Silver Award in the Junior Category! 🏆
Siow Wen Yan, 8 , showcases her Scratch project, 'Taking Care of Animals’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"My project aims to create awareness of the importance of the zookeeper in providing care for animals, in this case, preparing food for them. I chose an elephant and giraffe because I saw these animals in the Singapore Zoo, and people can visit them at the Singapore Zoo to learn more about them. I created the different parts of the game so that people understand that the role of the zookeeper is not easy, and people can play the game several times to win the game in the fastest amount of time." - Siow Wen Yan
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Wen Yan’s project and video presentation earned her the Gold and Best Design award in the Junior Category! 🏆
Tan Jia Qi Gail, 8, showcases her Scratch project, 'Save Baby Elephant’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"I created this game "Save Baby Elephant" to teach people about protecting elephants. The goal of the game is to help Baby Elephant escape from the poacher at each round and eventually reunite her with her Mother. You can use arrow keys to control Baby Elephant and jump on the white platforms to avoid the poacher and escape to the right side of each scene. I hope you enjoy the game and learn about protecting elephants! " - Tan Jia Qi Gail
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Gail’s project and video presentation earned her the Silver and Social Impact award in the Junior Category! 🏆
Asami Inada, 9, showcases her Scratch project, 'Zoo Care: Singapore Edition’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!
"My project is about saving animals in the Singapore Zoo. You press the right thing to give to the animals that need help. If you make a mistake, you will have to restart. There are three animals to help rescue." - Asami Inada
With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Asami’s project and video presentation earned her the Silver and Social Impact award in the Junior Category! 🏆
We're proud to announce that our Ages 13-18 Coding Lab Urban Coders team has won the Encouragement Award!
We're proud to announce that our Ages 10-12 Coding Lab Creators of the Future team has won the Encouragement Award!
We're proud to announce that our Ages 7-9 Coding Lab Mega Coders team has won the Junior Award (3rd Place)!
Meet Alicia, an inspiring young coder whose dedication to STEM has earned her a Direct School Admission (DSA) offer to her preferred schools and won her various awards in both the local and global stage - the 1st Prize in the prestigious MIT AI & Education Summit, and the Silver Award in the International Coding Showcase 2023!
Starting her journey in coding out of curiosity at the age of 7, Alicia’s passion has evolved into a creative pursuit that allows her to explore new ideas and make a difference.
From coding impactful projects to advocating for environmental change through her games, Alicia exemplifies the resilience, creativity, and critical thinking skills that coding brings. Read her blog here as she shares her journey and advice for young learners preparing for DSA or just beginning their coding adventures.
Meet Chen Kai, a talented young coder whose determination and passion for learning have led him to significant accomplishments, including the Bronze Award at the prestigious Hwa Chong Infocomm Challenge (HCIC) and a successful DSA offer to the School of Science and Technology (SST) for 2025!
From his early days with Scratch to his dedication to mastering coding languages like Python, Chen Kai’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and curiosity. Read his blog to learn more about how Chen Kai overcame challenges, honed his skills, and continues to follow his coding dreams.