Loh Yu Shern, 13 | Master Category | ICS 24/25

Loh Yu Shern, 13, showcases her Python project, 'Singapore Zoo AI’, for Coding Lab’s International Coding Showcase 24/25!

"As people may have difficulties finding information about Singapore zoo or planning their activities, I made a functional chatbot to answer people’s queries about Singapore Zoo. It is created with the help of Python, OpenAI APIs and Streamlit. I hope that this project will help increase the number of people visiting Singapore Zoo and plan a trip for it. ” - Loh Yu Shern

With a passion for coding and protecting animals, Yu Shern's project and video presentation earned him the Gold and Budding Coder Award in the Master Category! 🏆


Anish Srivastava, 13 | Master Category | ICS 24/25


Abdurrahman bin Subkhan Prawira, 14 | Master Category | ICS 24/25